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A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions!

Crafting dream to create tomorrow
Real cockpit exposure

On the bright and vibrant morning of 1st June 2023 me and four other students with their own individuality left for our first venture into the ocean that is aviation. After being briefed with what we would be viewing that day and discussing what sprouted our interests in aviation, we reached our very first destination of the trip, “GMR Aero-Technic” After clearing security, we met up with the concerned personnel of GMR Aero-Technic. He familiarised us with the facility and what we should expect to see on the tour.

As passengers we are often oblivious as to how the plane is always standing in place, waiting for the passengers to board, right on time. The maintenance of an aircraft is extremely important. We got the opportunity to view everyone at GMR Aero-Technic at work. Ranging from the identification of errors, to repairing the errors, re-installation after repair and even fixing minor scratches which could be disastrous if not for the GMR Aero-technic team.

A craftly display of the NDT- Non-Destructive Testing as well Magnetic Particle Inspection was shown to us by the GMR Engineers. We were briefed about everyone's duties at the facility and was open to any questions. It was a marvellous experience to learn more about the aircraft we so often use for transportation. We saw around ten airliners undergoing maintenance in the hangars. He also taught us the importance of fire safety and how to react in case of a fire anywhere. I was very grateful for having had the opportunity to talk to a learned individual who has been in the industry for many years. We got the chance to learn about the streams that work together to mould the aviation industry into what it is!

The trip was continued over to FSTC which stands for “Flight Simulation Technique Centre” This was definitely the most awaited part of the trip. We met up with the Centre in-charge of FSTC, Hyderabad. He welcomed us and explained us the mission of FSTC. The flight simulator experience is one which a pilot only gets to experience while training for their Commercial Pilot Licence. But through this program we got to experience what it's like to train in the simulator. The In-charge was very cooperative and further encouraged us towards the path of aviation.

The second day, we were briefed upon our activities of day 1. A well-made presentation also further widened our career aspects into this field. All of us came together to discuss our aspirations and clear our doubts. Continuing into the day, there were discussions further about the third day of our trip.

Which started at the Begumpet Airport in Hyderabad. After being issued with our passes we met up with the CSO, Begumpet Hyderabad, and all because of whom this trip was successful. We were given a tour of the old Begumpet Airport and it was remarkable to see all the traces of the smiles and laughter running through the boarding gates.

A remarkable presentation of a fleet of planes and helicopters was also present at the airport. Further proceeding upstairs, we met with highly experienced employees of the ATC of the Begumpet Airport. They explained to us how the instruments at the tower worked. We got to hear live radio messages between the pilots and the ATC. We were explained each and every contributory factor of the ATC in aviation.

We moved forth to the Telangana State Aviation Academy, where we met up with experienced pilots. They explained to us how a training aircraft is controlled and how the process of training in one works. The aircraft we got to view was a Cessna 172.

Our trip continued to its last stop, which was the Meteorological Centre, Hyderabad. We understood how the pilots and many other people are provided with constant weather reports. We came to know of the functioning of the Doppler RADAR weather and how the weather is predicted to utmost accuracy. Rain measurement, temperature prediction and wind direction tools were shown to us.

I would like to thank the entire OFLY team for making this summer the brightest of all. An experience like such truly moulds your thoughts and makes you question how everything functions on your next flight. I started the summer program as an aspiring pilot, and I returned as an aspiring aviator.

The author of this blog is a student who participated in one of the OFLY Experiential Learning Programs. She is an aspiring Pilot and working towards becoming an Aviator. The views expressed are her personal based on the experience she had.


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